Last Updated: 2018-09-27

App Store Release Notes Bullet Points and more

The app store doesn't provide much help for text formatting, so it's not uncommon to use some of these characters to provide a bit of structure.

For a really easy way to get started, here's a quick-start you can copy and paste in to your text editor (or edit right on this page):

Release Notes Quick Start

Note: These characters can be further-restricted at any time by Apple, so I'll indicate which ones I personally consider safe and unlikely to be removed. Please reach out if anything you've used isn't listed, and if anything listed here is no longer accepted.



• Bullet Point

‣ Bullet Point


● ○ ◎ ◉ ⦿ ⁃ - ■ □ ☐ ☑︎ ☒ ◆ ◇



‐ Regular dash

– N Dash

— M Dash



® © ℗ ™ ℠


№ ª º ℔ ℥ ℹ︎

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